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€2,200 monthly

6 bedrooms (3 single, 3 double), 3 bathrooms, furnished or unfurnished

Entered 9 days ago
Available Now - Large 5-6 bedroom period property. It has large reception rooms. Oil fired central heating. The house is over 300sq metres. Interested in short to medium term tenancies. Would possibly look at longer term for right tenan...

€1,800 monthly

3 bedrooms (3 double), 1 bathroom, furnished

Entered 16 days ago
Available Now - 3-bedroom ground floor apartment for rent. This 3-bedroom property is located in the development of gandon court which is located in athboy town centre. Walking distance to all local amenities such as schools, pubs, rest...

€1,600 monthly

3 bedrooms (3 double), 1 bathroom, unfurnished

Entered 26 days ago
Available Now - New to the rental market is this newly refurbished farm house style property. Located just a few minutes drive from athboy town and close to the towns of kells and navan. Accommodation briefly comprises: entry hall, lar...
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About the rent in Athboy search page: You searched for property to rent in Athboy in Co. Meath. At the moment we have 3 properties available for rent right now in Athboy. also has a fantastic range of choice outside of the Athboy rental area as well. In Meath we have a total of 23 houses to rent, 19 apartments to rent and 1 flats to rent. To get an overview of the entire Meath lettings market click on the Rent Meath overview page