Rent in Laois
Laois (Laoise) is a county in the midlands of Ireland in the province of Leinster. Laois is landlocked and it does not border any other counties with a sea coast. County Laois has a population of 69,012 people. Laois has many popular commuter towns for Kildare and Dublin such as Portlaoise, Portarlington and Mountmellick.
Search for houses to rent and apartments to rent across the entire Laois rental market on The main Laois towns and areas can be seen on the Google map. We have all the latest property to let from Laois lettings agents, sort by rent, rental area and bedroom number.
Right now, we have 9 houses for rent in Laois, 3 apartments to rent in Laois and 0 flats to rent in Laois. Subscribe now to the latest rental properties released to the market in our Laois Rent RSS feed using your favourite RSS reader.
Below is a full list of all the areas in the Laois rental market sorted alphabetically. You can also view all currently available Laois Rentals.
Properties Available to Rent in Laois