Rent in Dublin (2,500) |
Rent in Cork (456) |
Rent in Kildare (172) |
Rent in Galway (156) |
Rent in Wexford (151) |
Rent in Limerick (139) |
Rent in Wicklow (106) |
Rent in Mayo (101) |
Rent in Meath (92) |
Rent in Louth (76) |
Rent in Waterford (68) |
Rent in Kerry (65) |
Rent in Donegal (59) |
Rent in Clare (56) |
Rent in Westmeath (49) |
Rent in Kilkenny (44) |
Rent in Tipperary (37) |
Rent in Cavan (33) |
Rent in Longford (29) |
Rent in Laois (29) |
Rent in Carlow (28) |
Rent in Roscommon (25) |
Rent in Leitrim (25) |
Rent in Offaly (22) |
Rent in Monaghan (16) |
Rent in Sligo (16) |
Rent in Fermanagh (2) |
Rent in Antrim (1) |
Rent.ie was first launched over ten years ago, just before the rentals boom. Back then when people where looking for houses to rent or apartments to rent, they had to look at the local evening newspaper. With the success of property to let websites like Daft, the internet is now the primary way people rent in Dublin and across Ireland.
In 2008, Rent.ie relaunched as Ireland's newest and freshest lettings website offering renters an alternative to the Daft lettings section when looking for rental accommodation and flatshares. We are focusing the site at 18-25 year olds and aim to be the top renting website in the top three areas of the Irish to let market: the Dublin rent area extending out into the commuter towns, the Cork rent area including West Cork and finally the Galway rent area including Salthill and Knocknacarra.
Rent.ie is really easy-to-use and has a fantastic range of houses for rent and apartments for rent to choose from in every town in Ireland. You can even get up-to-the-minute updates on the most recently added properties in your area with our RSS feeds, just click on the RSS icon on the top of the search results.